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I use and write code to help research and teach a variety of scientific problems, in particular relating to remote sensing of glaciers, natural hazards and processing of sedimentary data. I mostly use MATLAB, for its flexibility, ease of use and excellent image processing capabilities. I have also written some javascript and python scripts.


I upload most of my code to GitHub page here:


In particular, you may be interested in either GIV, a toolbox for remote sensing of glacier flow velocities and countMYvarves, a toolbox for automatic counting of sediment lamina. Both are available to run through a user interface and as standalone apps (no MATLAB license needed), and come with a comprehensive user manual. I have also created a series of tutorial videos for GIV. Please click on the logos above to access their respective pages.


I am a strong supporter of both teaching with code, and aim to document my scripts such that an upper-level undergraduate student could read and use them.


Please get in touch with me at if you have any questions or suggestions about any of this.


Image by Dave Herring

©2021 by Max Van Wyk de Vries. Creative commons 3.0 license. 

Contact me at for questions.

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