Max Van Wyk de Vries

Glacier Image Velocimetry (GIV) is a toolbox for calculating timeseries of glacier flow velocities from optical satellite imagery.
GIV is easy to use and allows you to rapidly calculate glacier flow over multiple years, over many glaciers and at high resolution - all though a convenient user interface and without needing to do any coding.
GIV aims to be versatile enough for use in research, and convenient enough for use in teaching (and undergraduate dissertations, etc). Have a look at our documentation below, including the full source code, a video tutorial, pdf user manual and 2021 paper in The Cryosphere.
Read our paper in The Cryosphere (Van Wyk de Vries and Wickert, 2021):
Download the GIV user manual (click box above)
Get in touch with me for any questions and suggestions: vanwy048@umn.edu
Watch a video tutorial for GIV below. The first video is a 'quick-start' general overview, and the following 8 videos cover various aspects of feature tracking and the GIV toolbox in detail.
GIV tutorial 1: Zero to ice flow in 10 minutes
If you prefer, you can also access the video playlist here :
GIV tutorial 2: Background and history of feature-tracking
GIV tutorial 3: Accessing satellite imagery
GIV tutorial 4: Preparing the files for GIV
GIV tutorial 5: Basic inputs
GIV tutorial 6: Advanced inputs
GIV tutorial 7: Running the model
GIV tutuorial 8: Model Outputs
GIV tutorial 9: Future questions
Thanks for watching, and I hope the tutorial was helpful. Check the youtube video descriptions, our TC paper and GIV pdf user manual (download above) for additional details. And try it out - it has an easy learning curve and you will quickly produce some interesting results.
If you are interested in using GIV for research or teaching but are having some issue, let me know (vanwy048@umn.edu). I am happy to have a chat about it all.