Max Van Wyk de Vries
As scientists, our ideas and work matter. In many cases we work on problems with real world implications, and it is important for us to communicate our results in interesting, accessible and accurate ways.
I have become particularly aware of this issue following the press release of my first paper "A new volcanic province: an inventory of subglacial volcanoes in West Antarctica" (doi.org/10.1144/SP461.7).
I have since been working to effectively share the scientific work I am involved in with the general public by collaborating with media companies (1 hour long French documentary "Cataclysmes : Les grands régulateurs" 2019-2021) and applying for funding to turn ideas into practice (£4,100 BSG digital outreach grant, 2021).
Also, outreach is very fun and a good way to meet new people from different field!
Watch Dundee Under Ice: a short film
Describing ice penetrating radar to 10 year olds - Chicago Public School, 2019

Storyboard (draft of a film sequence) for upcoming French documentary on volcano-ice interactions

Draft reconstrction of LGM glaciers around Dundee (Scotland) from succesful BSG funding proposal.

Filming a documentary on volcano-ice interactions in Iceland. Here on Svinafellsjokull.